ADI Part 3 Crossroads
ADI Part 3 Crossroads
How many types of crossroads are there? How do you deal with each one? How do you identify crossroads? Who has priority?
It's no wonder that many taking the ADI Part 3 crossroads test can get confused when it comes to teaching crossroads.
As ORDIT registered trainers, we can help you understand them better - The more you understand a subject yourself - The easier it is to be able to teach someone else about it.
We have an ADI Part 3 Briefing Folder which deals with crossroads that is just £15 get yours from our online shop.
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Crossroads with traffic lights/Filter Lights
With traffic light controlled crossroads you need to look and assess is it a general green light or is it a filter light?
If you are turning right - Do you need to drive into the middle and wait or if it is a filter arrow can you simply drive across?
Crossroads with Yellow Box Junctions
With Yellow box junction crossroads it DOES NOT matter whether the traffic light is on green or not!
The most important thing is - Can you clear the yellow box junction.
If the answer is no, then whether the traffic light is on green or not - you need to stop at the stop line
The only exception to thiis is when turning right and you are stopped from going across because of oncoming traffic.
If there is traffic to your right blocking your exit - You need to wait at the traffic lights until the exit road is clear

We provide a folder that is dedicated just to crossroads - This can help you and your students understand how to deal with each type of crossroad that you encounter.