ADI Part 3 Briefing Folder
Quite Simply the best briefing folder - Not only that i have used...but also that i've seen advertised.
Not only do I use this everyday, I also sell these to my pupils and now they understand the subjects SO much better!!
When you teach, you need to show the pupil in pictures, what you are going to do in that lesson and then if any mistakes are made - you need to show them in pictures where it went wrong, why it went wrong, and what they need to do to make sure it goes right next time!
So many ADI Part 3 trainees come to us without a briefing folder or images - Your part 3 is a TEACHING EXAM- waving your hands around does nothing, because you have an image of the road or situation in your head - but to the pupil it means absolutely nothing.


SEE THE VIDEO - Complete Folder
New For 2022 - The only lesson plan diagrams you will need
Unlike most ADI Briefing folders - which provide one picture and leave the rest to you - our driving instructor lesson plan folders - Provides npt only the needed illustrations, but also the insight on what to do and how to do it.
The best part is - if you already have a briefing folder -You can just order the subjects that you'd like
Manoeuvres - Forward bay park -Reverse Bay Park - Pull Up on right - Parallel Park - Emergency Stop
Moving off and Stopping (needed for test not just beginners)
Independent Driving - Sat Nav and Signs
ADI Part 3 Briefing Folder
Using a briefing folder, allows you to illustrate, what went wrong and helps the pupil to reason for themselves, what the possible outcomes of their action would of been.

ADI Briefing folder Lesson Plans
Makes roundabouts a lot simpler to understand and to deal with.
To say to a pupil with hand movements, you went that way and cut across the line instead of following the lane - means nothing
To show them the diagram, explain the fault and then say, so what we are going to do is to really follow this left hand kerb and stay close to it, all the way around
Brings to life, what you are asking them to do. - Thats what teaching is all about
ADI Briefing folder Recap
The other greast thing with a briefing folder is that it keeps your lessons structured.
Whilst the pupil can look at the images on the right hand page, on the left hand page it provides you with the outline of your driving lesson.
This is EXACTLY the same structure that is needed for the ADI Part 3
Recap - what we did on the last lesson
Objective - Today we are are going to do.....
Checklist - The items you need to mention
If they are more experienced - then all you need to do after recap and objective, is ask a couple of key questions, as to their knowledge on the subject.

ORDER YOUR Full ADI PART 3 Briefing Folder just £65.00 Manoeuvres £10 Crossroads £10 Pedestrian Crossings £8 Roundabouts £10

Driving Instructor Lesson Plan Diagrams
By using your ADI Part 3 briefing folder, your briefings become shorter and to the point, because the pictures do all the work for you.
They help you to memorise what needs to be done in conjunction with the MSPSGL routine
Why a Briefing Folder?
When it comes to the adi part 3, the best test of anyones knowledge of the subject is to ask them to do a briefing for you. This eithe results in one of 2 things.
Firstly they spend at least ten minutes using the phrases "erm"..... "its like"...... "uh"..... or "thennnnnn weeeee"
or they go the other way..... and this has happened where a briefing lasted for exactly 22 minutes
The better you know your briefings, the easier it is to explain them and the easier it makes it to watch for mistakes

Our Briefing Folders Can Be used With Pupils
Most briefing folders just provide a single picture and leave the rest for you to figure out - Our folders are different
The diagrams come with instructions that you need - to help you become a better teacher
These folders can be sold to your pupils so they can learn the subject and understand it more fully
Easy To Understand - Offer to your pupils
The great thing with the briefing subjects folder from Driver Training Ltd is that if your pupil struggles to understand a subject - You can sell them a copy of it.
We offer the briefing subjects folders from as little as £5 and they cover the whole range of subjects from
Manoeuvres - Forward bay/Reverse bay/Parallel Park/Pull up right/Emergency stop
Junctions - open/closed/box junctions/Y junctions
Roundabouts - Mini / Normal /Laned / Double
If your pupil is struggling with a subject -you can purchase them from us and then retail them at your own price
This way you don't keep having to draw diagrams for them or write it in their progress book.

These briefing folders are available in professionally printed ring bound coil form
They can be provided in a basic presentation folder for an extra £6
This provides you the opportunity to use a dry wipe pen - easily wiped off
Without worry of staining your briefing folder diagrams
ADI Part 3 Briefing Folder
Upgrade your Briefing folder with these stylish optionsThey are also available in professional briefing folder presentation folders
GOLD PROFESSIONAL FOLDER 4 ring Binder add £35.00
Faux Leather 4 ring folder add £25.00
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